We look forward to working with you as you begin your haemodialysis journey. Our goal is to help you enjoy your best quality of life. DaVita strives to help all patients to improve their quality of life. From our Patient Relations Officer to the highly skilled clinical care team, we work in unison to meet your needs and improve your general well-being.

If you don’t find the answers to your questions here, please speak to our Patient Relations Officer or a member of our clinical team.

Your Care Team


(Person In Charge)

Responsible for ensuring your dialysis treatment is conducted safely



Responsible for your medical care, dialysis treatment and dialysis-related complications

Facility Administrator

Facility Administrator

Responsible for ensuring that the treatment is safe and pleasant for you

Staff Nurse

Staff Nurse

Responsible for carrying out dialysis treatment as per doctor’s order, assisting you and ensuring safe treatment

Patient Relations Officer

Patient Relations Officer

Responsible for helping you attain a good quality of life when the resource of support in life changes.

Understanding Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Understanding Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Your kidneys -- two bean-shaped organs located in your lower back which are your body's filtration system, cleaning wastes and extra fluids from your body and producing urine and balancing chemicals that are necessary for your body to function.

Your Treatment - Preparing For Your Visit

At DaVita, we are very serious about ensuring the safety, comfort and well-being of our patients. As a result, we go through a series of procedures when you arrive at the clinic. 

Do your part in preventing infection. In an effort to prevent the outspread of communicable diseases, a nurse will take your temperature and weight, and will ask you a series of questions upon your arrival. Following that, you will be examined by a doctor to observe your health. 

Be sure to answer all questions truthfully and alert our team members if you have any symptoms including:

  • Coughing and/or breathlessness
  • Fever and/or body aches
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Sore throat and/or nasal congestion
  • Diarrhoea 
  • Headache

Your chaperone/family member must sign in as a visitor and be examined in a similar way as you. This will help protect you and other patients from the risk of infection and communicable illnesses whilst receiving treatment at DaVita.