We are here to tell you that we at DaVita care about helping you navigate your new journey. We understand that this is a challenging time for you and your family. The dialysis process and all that comes with it may seem daunting but I want you to know that we are here for you.

We have prepared this comprehensive handbook which will shed light on all you need to know about dialysis – from the treatment process, key measurements including blood tests used for monitoring, medications you will need to be on as well as the type of diet and nutrition that we encourage you to adopt.

We believe that knowledge is power and we hope that this handbook gives you the power that you need at this time. If not, ask for help! Treat your dialysis team as your family and let us care for you.

Your journey towards wellbeing begins now!

Let DaVita assist you if you have any concerns regarding kidney disease symptoms.


Learn More About

Adjusting to Life on Dialysis
Understanding Dialysis
Adjusting to Life on Dialysis
Treatment Options
Understanding Dialysis
Treatment Options