“Your Journey to Kidney Transplant” is designed specifically for people who are considering kidney transplant as a treatment option for kidney failure.

Kidney transplantation is a form of treatment for End-Stage Kidney Failure. Other forms of treatment for End Stage Kidney Failure are Haemodialysis, Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) and Automated Peritoneal Dialysis (APD).

Compared to all the above treatments for kidney failure, a kidney transplant is the only option that offers the possibility of life without dialysis, allowing the patient to be more active and live longer. However, it is important to remember that kidney transplantation is not a cure. The new kidney will need ongoing care. You will need to take anti-rejection therapy to prevent your body from rejecting the kidney as long as the kidney is working. If the new kidney stops working, you will need to return to dialysis and possibly consider another repeat transplantation.

In general, while kidney transplantation is safe and effective, it may not be the most suitable option for everyone due to the risk of anti-rejection medications as well as the transplant surgery itself.

A kidney can be donated by living donors (such as parents, siblings, spouses, or friends) or deceased donors. To receive a kidney transplant from a deceased donor, you will need to be added to the waiting list. Having a transplant from a living donor means you do not have to be on the waiting list. In Malaysia, you need to wait between 10 to 13 years for a deceased donor kidney.

At DaVita, we strive to make sure you obtain adequate information for you to decide if a kidney transplant is a suitable option as well as to prepare you on the journey to get a new kidney.

I hope that you find the enclosed materials useful. For more information, our doctors and teammates are more than happy to discuss this further.

Dr Rosnawati Yahya

Pengarah Hal Ehwal Perubatan DaVita Malaysia & Ketua Unit Transplantasi dan Timbalan Ketua Jabatan Nefrologi Hospital Kuala Lumpur

Let DaVita assist you if you have any concerns regarding kidney disease symptoms.


Learn More About

Living Donor Kidney Transplant
Kidney Transplant
Living Donor Kidney Transplant